Sunday, October 07, 2007

Kissing for Sparks

Once upon a time a million years ago I had this friend who tried to set me up with her cousin. She was so excited and couldnt wait for me to meet him. He was cute, serially nice, sweet, awkwardly funny and all that. But for some reason, I just wasn't feeling it. I tried. My friend was so sure that we would be this perfect fit. I almost felt like I was letting her down by not being into it. So finally, after at least three dates (maybe 4 or 5, this was years ago), I decided I would give it one last try and kissed him. I had conjoured up this rational that the final straw would be in his kiss....well I felt NOTHING. literally no sparks, nothing. My friend was PISSED off that I kissed him and then called it off. She could not see my reason.

Which brings us to last night. A different friend was stuck in a similar situation. And I've met this guy. He is everything. Funny, smart, handsome, tall, edgy, the works! But yet my friend just didn't get that feeling you get when you are with someone you really like. And fast forward two years later, they are still friends. She tells me that on many of their "friend" outings, he has always tried to be more and she would decline. So last night I had enough...he went to the bathroom and I looked at her and asked her what the hell was wrong with her. how could she NOT like this guy???? I could see it in her eyes that she really WANTED to like him that way. I told her to kiss him. Again with my rational on its in his kiss.

Well about an hour later, I saw him go in for the kiss.

She calls me later last night:

"Hey Inez, its "friend", I'm on my way home, my head still hurts from hitting the astro turf*. I dropped "him" off and yeah, I dont think its there, I just dont know what it is. I will talk to you tomorrow"

(*um, we did some cartwheels on this astro turf [YES, in Manhattan]. it was all fun and games until she landed on her face. haha)

Now granted its still too early to realize the consequences of this kiss but I think and still stand by my reason that sometimes when you dont have that perfect fit and you really want to, I think the rule out scenario is to check for spark plugs on his lips.

Ps. men, if you really want to get a girl, smoking ciggs before the first kiss is not good. At least bring some gum with you.


PhantomZodak said...

i believe in your kiss theory as well. good advice on the smoking (although i don't smoke). sometimes i go dancing on that pier!

Anonymous said...

Ah.. the great "Maybe If We Kiss..". I'm familiar with this rational, it's just too bad I've never had one end in bliss.