Monday, September 10, 2007

thoughts while staying awake

listening to crowded house's "whispers and moans" which reminded me of my new multi million dollar invention i invented this weekend at my friends party whilst half listening to my stupid guy friends discuss their porn activity (aka - being themselves).

the "iBrater"

its an attachment to my ipod nano which allows for maximum enjoyment pretty much at any time. Thats right Mr. Jobs! somebody get somebody important on the line....STAT!!!

i went scanning through my -prepare paris- online meet up groups and what not and found that there seems to be either 20 or 50 somethings. no 30 somethings. its very odd. where is this 30 something group? are they all married? or in the mob? why wont they surface? maybe Paris is like the midwest where you are married by 19 and on your third kid by 23. maybe I will be outcast for my american AND 30 somethinsingleness.

maybe im a big fool. so then i got on craigslist NEW YORK. i need a french person who lives here for a while, wants to learn english and will talk to me in VERY simple french. i didnt find anything but then i started thinking that maybe im absolutely no good at teaching english. i dont know my participles from my adverbs. i end almost every sentence in a preposition and i generally speak in fragments. and i dont think that is so bad either. but maybe i could use this to my advantage and thus teach very SIMPLE english to this frenchie. where is this frenchie! i really should be going to the FIAF for their "rendevous" but that situation scares me to death. i have serious fears....I was waiting for a movie to start when people were showing up to one about a month ago and well it was too much. it was like face lift convention. good for the old ladies, bad for me. cause im not talkin about my cute little jam making grandma from oregon, we are talking about gucci versus prada versus me being mistaken for the wait service. lord knows i'd probably start servin just to save embarrasment of my poor french.


the good news is that i feel better. not soo freaked right now. maybe the dreams tonight will be good or better maybe they will STAY OUT. i did chicken out and not get the PM pills. but mostly cause everything was closed by the time i got home.

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