Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ok fine, so its my own fault.

Cause now at least 500 times a day I am forced (at conversation point) to speak of this move to France. And only because everyone is so damn excited for me and that is GREAT~ but i feel very much like when i got engaged (ps. in case you didn't get the memo or read the title of the blog, no it didn't work out and we didn't marry) but just the very site of the ring causes, as you can imagine, a millennium of questions...when is it, where is it? whose coming? did you pick a dress? are you having kids? how many? when will you start? and on and on

and now, I have gotten "engaged" with Paris and I am wearing the ring around my entire face/body/soul. And its ALL about the questions. my friend Caro came up to me today and asked if I was going to buy a refrigerator when I moved? lol. she was very interested in where i planned on buying electronics in Paris. She also is giving me her limited edition versace phone as a going away. well more of a trade for my limited edition easel and paint supplies. and by "limited" i mean hardly used cause I have high hopes of being an artist that have never passed the level of "hope".

so fine, I'll deal. ask away, ask too much, ask nothing, i am open.

but i don't have more than half of these answers. MORE THAN HALF. I'm so tempted to draw a chart of how little i know about this move.

and funnily enough, i am going through my files, my almost 8 years of graphics and charts and pictures and crap i did whilst pretending to work and well, i am apparently VERY visual. Below are some of my choice diagrams found from over the years:

this is from the cafeteria incident where i got yelled at for getting mayo at the condinment area, illustrating how i was clearly giving this woman PLENTY of room to share the space:

this is when my friend Chichi was not emailing me enough

This is from when i was trying to explain to the post engagement "crush" where to meet me for the laser eye surgery. (recall: he said we were "just friends")

This was from when I was getting ready to fly to Brussels and I wanted to make sure my friend ChiChi could identify my body when the plane plummeted vertically to the earth killing everyone.

and this is one of my all time fav's. when my ex's sister had a baby, and my friends INSISTED on pics which, at the time, i didn't have so i had to make do with a rendition of what i saw when i visited her in the hospital.

theres just so many more...so so many.

I think I'll start tellin people I'm moving to Wisconsin


Anonymous said...

Do American phones even work in France?

AnnaLisa said...

its a european phone

Anonymous said...

omg this cracked me up!!! i remember the baby photo :)

PhantomZodak said...

omg did u really make all these illustrations? u rawk. it sucks that i just met u when u r leaving. :(

AnnaLisa said...

aweee. so nice to have a loyal reader. I wish I could find the cd with all my prior illustrations. They got pretty insane but I backed them up on some cd and now they might be lost FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!