Tuesday, September 18, 2007

NEVER go to Connecticutt

I really wanted to blog about the madness of my friends new relationship but i have been banned from it due to superstition management that, apparently, lasts forever.

However, I'm not banned from telling you to NEVER stay at a sheraton hotel even if the only other option is a campground with no running water. AND DO NOT let the pictures fool you. The big bright shiney indoor HEATED pool is merely an over-chlorinated bowl of half dead flies who can only do the backstroke in circles. AND if you think you can be a big loner in your room avoiding all human contact, you are dead wrong. the room service people are insane. I have recieved a grand total of 13 phone calls from them in the last two days for two meals, neither of which were even close to the quality of my duane reade ramen noodles 10/pack. I miss my noodles. I miss them so.

At this point I don't have any France updates except that my CRAZY cousin and his wife are BOOKED to visit me for Christmas!!!

Yes, i have no place to live, no xmas tree, and yet visitors are already on their way!!

ok maybe i should change the title to NEVER stay at a Sheraton, but I'm too lazy. of course it was laziness that put me here in the first place. I just had zero time to fully search out the scenario of coming here. And of course I had to work the entire trip around me doing the LEAST amount of driving possible. I simply cannot stand driving!! Mainly cause of the death situation. I love the:
other people driving the car
other people driving me in the car
other people driving me in the car speeding and zipping
other people flying
water taxis
you name it
but I REFUSE to drive it.

and they gave me this GIANT luxury vehicle. i should be driving miss daisy in this damn thing, dont even ask me who makes it, but I requested a small car and this is like driving a house boat!

back to boredom

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