Tuesday, September 04, 2007


My friend ChiChi says "this is annalisa time, selfish time" and she's right. I have two months left here. I am totally self absorbed right now. I got overwhelmed last week and ended up with a sore throat. I had a boy who appeared in my life and I got stressed out. And its not that he was not a good boy but I dont have time for a boy. I have time for my people, my things, my self only.

Somehow, I have convinced myself that, upon leaving, my mind cannot leave any unresolved issues, albiet with boys, with friends, with anyone. I will invite my ex to my going away party so that we can say goodbye. I am even considering sending an old friend an email, even though I vowed not to speak to her, I think its an OCD thing...Must finish...must resolve... as if im getting ready to die or something. I could be gone one year and decide I am useless in France. But these are the things that I think about to keep away the living nightmare of fright that is picking up and moving alone to a foreign country with a language i do not speak. So boysssssss. STAY BACK!

I have little time left and its reserved for my favorites. I'm sorry but thats it. Thats how it has to be.



Anonymous said...

Now I know your going crazy! Ask yourself why would you want to reconnect with your old friend? That doesnt sound like you. Once you send that email he/or she is back in your life again, so really ask yourself why you care to tell this old person that you are moving to France. Now for the EX, please dont ask your him your ex-fiance, the one who you took months to get over, to join us at your special party. He never liked your friends anyway! Screw him.

AnnaLisa said...

who is this leaving me comments? and why include yourself in my party? i need to know who you are. I DEMAND to know. lol

PhantomZodak said...

gotta agree with anonymous, besides it seems that they have already been dealt with, which would classify them as resolved. looking forward 2 the party. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you, being conscious of what YoU need and focusing on that.