Thursday, September 13, 2007

bleacher seat

When you are not dating, its fun to sit back and watch your single friends. I suppose I provide the same level of amusement to them during bouts of dating but right now I have a few exciting reports from the game.

Friend #1 - (who reads this so I'll be nice). A sordid past (and somewhat present), she spent way too long sleeping with a married man. And beyond the standard mistress role she played, it was clear to almost EVERYONE on earth that he clearly did not respect her and we could not wait for her to let go of the situation. well in comes the new potential man. TV would call him the core shaker. seems he has tapped into the "right time and right place" side of her life and its all smiles right now. The main observation which I am just LOVING is that, for a woman who loves sex, she has remained "chaste" (she has even been, apparently, dammed by a published virgin for her sex life) with this man despite the serial connection and amount of time spent with him! We, in the box office, are extremely proud of her current behavior and believe this new man, who is single and not without his own Louis Vuitton baggage, is great and currently treating her with the exact amount of respect she deserves! I always trusted she would find the right way, even if the path was laid with bombs and poison ivy.

Friend #2 - Extremely unhappily married. Getting divorced or separated very soon but still living together. There are a few young kids. And its been a good 12 years since she has been on a date. Clearly there is a lot to catch her up on. I have trouble keeping up with her "dating" life as it seems to be normal on the outside, a few dates here and there, dinners, drinks, etc, but then, when the liquor is flowing one nite, i learn she has found "love" but in the form of a "married man". and there is an ocean between them (a LARGE ocean) and so we have a triple decker complication. My advice: go get tested for every STD. If she plans on all this monkey business with people who have people, then she must get a baseline blood round of testing done. And she is so thankful for advice. She soaks it up. Then, in the midst of a dinner last week, with her, myself and various other people she brought together (she's a great net worker) including an apparent stranger off the street, the wine is a flowin and soon I am told in a loud whisper at the dinner table that a quazi threesome has taken place with her and some others at the table. I had to laugh. There really is no scenario that could shock me. Just the day before, another friend and I were reminiscing about the date she had with the man who had a surprise colostomy bag.

good times! so thank you friends, for the amusement and for the stories....and please dont hate me.


Anonymous said...

Your welcome dear! So did you get an STD test after you broke up with the Ex? Wasnt he double dipping his stick?

AnnaLisa said...

yes, of course i did, and he wasn't double dipping (that i know of) but he certainly had cold sores on the lips (which i did not) so i have probably recieved this virus, although i have no positive blood tests to prove it. ughhhh

Anonymous said...

Poor New Guy. Why is it always the Good Guy (aka Mr. Core Shaker) who ends up not gettin' any play because the woman's been giving it to everyone else. Talk about your negative reinforcement. "You treat me right, I make you wait three months. Treat me like a ho and I'll go down on you before we even get to dinner!"

Anonymous said...

Annalisa, wake up and smell the coffee. The signs were all over the place, you chose not to see them!
Ken, tell her now you agree! He was probably double dipping muliples, you found enough incriminating evidence and Im certain if you would've ran DNA tests on a few key items they would conclude the obvious. I know its hard to hear & thats why im Anon so Please dont get to Paris & let the men convince you that the Effiel Tower is for sale! You are very naive my dear, loving & wonderful and I LOVE YOU!

AnnaLisa said...

Wow, whoever you are, and I think I know now, you are insane. There were no signs, no evidence. you have the facts all wrong. you are seriously delusional and just starting trouble which is WHY i know who this is. so stop being ridiculous and get your comments in line!!!!!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES! you have NO idea who you are dealing with.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous, THERE WERE SIGNS dear, like everytime you went out of town. Hopefully you not angry with me but I know its not like you care anymore. And you shouldnt let him know when the new party is. New day, new place, more men!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are and I have very little respect for people who traipse about leaving anonymous comments all over the place. I might add that MY comment was in reference to Friend No 1. and ... well, I have no idea what you're going on about. DNA tests? Say what?