Sunday, October 21, 2007

Slice me up Sunday

I just realized that France said they would put me up in an apartment with a kitchen but i dont cook.

I think people in Paris cook all the time. Cooking if probably quite normal. Maybe I should sign up for a cooking class.

A man yesterday:

him: "you are moving to Paris, you better hold your nose"
me: "Oh cause they dont curb their dogs?"
him: "No"
(then i walked away, he was done. And not that I finish many thoughts, especially on here, but he could have offered up ANYTHING even resembling a point dont you think?)

My neighboor told me her mom likes to talk just to talk. Apparently this woman could hold a conversation with Osama or even a blackberry bush all the same. So you can see why I was interested in joining them for dinner last night just to witness this phenomenon. So there we were at dinner and the conversation had been flowing smoothly. We placed our orders with the waitress, sat there sipping our drinks, and there it was, the first moment of silence. It lasted about 3 seconds....

"I like spinach" she said.

HAHAHAH. I tried so hard to hold in my laughter. Soo hard, i promise if there was any way to NOT laugh, i would have done it, but it was too good. There was NO context, just a blanket statement of loving spinach (no ones order even included spinach, I dont remember seeing spinach on the menu). But the thing is, that I love spinach tooo so I had to share this with her and that was basically the only thing i could do to keep from bursting into a laughing fit. Eve was almost crying, covering her face to stop the laughter. Her parents are so awesome. Especially her dad, he looks like a young Dustin Hoffman and has the most soothing voice ever.

Ok enough of this nonesense. I need to skate.


Mam said...

haha! this made me burst out laughing :)

Eve said...

I'm crying I'm laughing SO hard!!!